As you look around you, have you noticed that you’ve grown tired of some of your belongings? Can you see where the dust and cobwebs have covered what once was a treasured or honored object?
The passage of time, gathered experiences, and changes in your passions all signal a new day. You’ve grown, gained wisdom, and have altered your habits and dreams. Take some time and look at all you’ve acquired. You have been blessed with abundance. Are you ready to share some of those blessings with others?
Maybe it’s time to give thanks for things that no longer hold the same importance in your life. Maybe it’s time to take a step toward minimalism. Those items have served a purpose in your life and brought you joy. Now it’s time to give thanks and say goodbye.
Life is short. Hold on to the things that bring you joy and remind you to give thanks. Let go of the items that aren’t as important, so you can free yourself up to have more time to spend with the people you love.
Contact Beyond The Fork In The Road at 717-335-8482 so we can help you downsize for a move and live with less clutter. Then you can live with more purpose in your new home!